The Big Wooly Weekend 10th-11th june

What is the Big Woolly Weekend?On Saturday the 10th of june it is World wide Knitting in Public Day (KIP) and Sunday the 11th June is Yarn bombing day. The Weekend event is an opportunity to learn to knit or crochet or to share your ideas and passion for all things woolly.
World Wide Knit in Public day is the largest knitter run event in the world. It started in 2005 and is now celebrated in 57 different countries (2016).
The Mission is
"Better Living through stitching together"!
We will be hosting an all day Stitch Away on the 10th June in both shops so come along and join us. We will let you know more details as they are finalised!
Bergere de France are running a competition - knit as many squares (not triangles, as squares are easier to sew up into blankets) as possible to create the bunting with the most squares as you can in your area! (at least 20cm square) So gather as many people to help out as possible and start knitting as soon as possible! To register for and for more information on the competition please visit their website.
event in honour of Jo Cox, please visit their website for information on local events or on how to arrange your own.
We now have some free yarn available in store for knitting the squares, for individuals and knitting/crochet groups. Pop in to collect some! We are also be a collection point so drop in your knitted squares and bunting and we will send them off to