Yarnstravaganza - Saturday 28th September - Saturday 5th October

Summer Crafting - tea light holders

As promised I have come up with a “recipe” for the tea light holder I mentioned in yesterdays blog.
So, my initial design was based on these little jars I appear to have a lot of (I think they must be from some pudding that my daughter keeps buying).
These jars obviously taper in towards the top so I have written a pattern for these type of jars that have approximately 6.5cm diameter base. I have also written guidance on how to adapt for a different sized jar. Obviously not been tested other than by me and some trial attempts may be needed to fit other jars!
You will need
3.5mm hook
(You will get a lot of holders out of these balls or you could use the leftover to make matching coasters etc
Small Jars (original design was a jar with 6.5cm base, adapted design had a 7cm diameter base.

Tip: you might want to crochet around the jar once you start going up the sides.
Original Design
  • Chain 4 and slip stitch to first chain to make a ring
  • Chain 3 (counts as a treble), 11 treble into the ring and join to the top of the 3 chain. (12 trebles)
  • Slip stitch to space between two trebles and chain 4 (counts as 1 treble and 1 chain). Make 1 treble, 1chain in each space between two trebles and join to the 3rd chain of the starting chain 4. (12 trebles and 12 chain spaces) (If jar has a wider diameter jump down to ** for extension.
  • Slip stitch to chain 1 space. Chain 4 (counts as 1 treble and 1 chain), 1 treble in same chain 1 space. Make a V stitch in each chain 1 space around and join to the 3rd chain of the chain 4. V Stitch = 1 treble, 1 chain, 1 treble in the same space. (12 v stitches)
  • ***Slip stitch to chain 1 space (in the middle of the v stitch). * Chain 4 and slip stitch to next chain 1 space. Repeat from * around until you are at the beginning.
  • *Chain 4 and slip stitch into chain 4 space. Repeat from * until you are nearly at the top of the jar or where the jar starts to taper in if you have one of those styles of jars.
  • After the last slip stitch, * chain 3 and slip stitch into chain 4 space. Repeat from * around. If your jar does not taper in then stop here ready to add a hanging chain if you want one (fasten off and weave in ends if you want it to sit on the table).
  • For a tapered jar, * chain 2 and slip stitch into chain 3 space. Repeat to the beginning. Then *Chain 1 and slip stitch into chain 2 space. Repeat round to the start. ( definitely easier to crochet around this type of jar as it will be a snug fit!).
  • Hanging Chain - If you want to hang your jar then chain 50 and slip stitch to the opposite side of the jar. Fasten off and weave in end.


    • To adapt for a larger jar base - as yet I have only trialled this on a 7cm diameter base but I imagine you could easily add extra stitches to make the base wider if necessary. Follow original design until **.
    • ** Slip stitch to chain 1 space. Chain 3 (counts as 1 treble), 1 treble in same space, chain 1. * 2 treble, chain 1 in next chain 1 space. Repeat from * to the beginning and slip stitch into the top of the chain 3.
    • Slip stitch to chain1 space. Chain 3 and make 2 trebles in same space. * 3 trebles 1 chain in next chain 1 space. Repeat from * around and join to top of chain 3.
    • Slip stitch to chain 1 space. Chain 4 (counts as 1 treble and 1 chain), 1 treble in same chain 1 space. Make a V stitch and chain 1 in each chain 1 space around and join to the 3rd chain of the chain 4. V Stitch = 1 treble, 1 chain, 1 treble in the same space. (12 v stitches)
    • Continue from *** on original design.

Have fun and play around with colours and stitch ideas!

Cara x

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