Keep Yarn on Our Streets


Dorchester Cullompton

Independent yarn shops across UK join forces with promotional campaign.As businesses fall victim to this difficult economic climate, it can become more and more appealing to ditch the high street all together and move to trading online only. For us, and for other yarn shop owners, that just isn’t an option.

        Whilst we work in tandem with the internet; and must in order to survive, an independent high street yarn shop is more than just a shop.

A Yarn Shop is: A communityA craft hubA meeting place for customers who have become friendsA tactile experience, feeling your raw materials, understanding their journey and appreciating the methods used to create such fibres. A place for advice, and project help – often free of chargeA place of wonder for the younger generations, essential to plant an interest in crafting. A place to create, attend workshops, manage mental health issues, talk, laugh and sometimes cry. They have a heart and a soul, and they HAVE to remain on our streets. 

Fudge’s Wool and Haberdashery is taking part in the Keep Yarn On Our Streets initiative, a positive, exciting and fun campaign determined to get customers exploring yarn shops near them, venturing out on holidays to find other shops…and most importantly just into the shops themselves and experiencing what is so much more than a shopping experience.

42 yarn shops across the UK have signed up for the first campaign - a treasure hunt. During October 2018, each participating shop will have 50 enamel pin badges of our “Keep Yarn On Our Streets” logo in the shops choice of colour with their shop name on. These will be sold for £4 each or free with a spend of over £40. There will be a prize for the first 3 people to collect 10 different pin badges during October 2018. The aim is to encourage yarn lovers to hunt out other participating shops, and potentially find new favourites.

          We hope to make this a positive, exciting and ongoing campaign to support and promote independent yarn shops, and keep them on the high street.

All the participating shops can be found at

we are also in Instagram with @keepyarnonourstreets #keepyarnonourstreets


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